Saturday, December 13, 2008



Use a good statistics program on our website is of vital importance because it can help us in various aspects such as you can see the results of an advertising campaign or learn more habits and preferences of visitors.

To do this, not just a simple accountant of visits, as it did not show us much information from visitors, even shows us the real views, but how many times has shown the page (if a visitor sees the same page eight Sometimes, the meter will add eight visits) and therefore are not useful for our purposes.

To better understand these statistics and determine which of them are what we really are useful, we know them and know about its possibilities.

Some of the information that may give statistics.

  • Unique Visitors.
  • Page views.
  • Location of visitors.
  • Visits per hour.
  • User Information.
  • Visits by country.

These are the real visitors. If a visitor loads eight times a page, there will be only a visitor. The statistics server controls such visits by checking the IP addresses for each user.

These are the number of pages that visitors have seen. For example, if a visitor navigates through seven pages of our website, the counter will join seven-page view.

We must compare this data with unique visitors to see the interest of the Internet on our website. For example if we have 100 visitors and 700 page views, we will have an average of 7 pages viewed per visitor, but if the two data were almost equal, would mean that Internet users are not concerned with the content of or links to web pages are not well marked.

Here you can see where they come from our visitors. This is very interesting, because we can control the search engines and sites that we reported more visits, in addition also can see which keywords have been used to find us from the search engines.

This figure shows the times in which we have more traffic and in the least. We can learn from us if more visitors from office hours, or at home.

Here you can learn details about the various settings on the computer of the visitor, as the browser version, operating system, the resolution of your monitor, the depth of colors, and so on. These data are useful from the point of view of design. I found it interesting that only 4% of the visitors had the resolution to 640 x 480 pixels and only 6% were the setting to 256 colors.

This fact tells us the origin of visitors by country, so if we have many visitors from a specific country, we may include some specific content in the country.

Obviously there’s more information you can provide statistics on a website, but these are the most common and used.

There are many sites that offer these statistics totally free. Compare several of them in a future article.

Only true that not all are advantages, as some of the sites that offer free services require us to have a small banner on each page, causing the distraction of our visitors (Of course we can remove this banner for a fee) and moreover, it slows the speed of page loading, especially if we show a banner