Using the power of the web: the same way that tarnish our image with that kind of ties we can do it for a better idea might be to write a positive description of the business and create a page in Wikipedia and become part of a group of terms which will see the positive comment, we can also generate articles of interest, providing information and by the signature and a link our site, you can use pages or sites of great importance and fit the profile of our company, work we need to do is similar to what we do when we want to have links to our back but we will make greater emphasis on the words that are not related to a positive one, we can also use comments within blog, bulletin boards and otherwise that we can include a description of our company. Another means they can use that will improve our image fidelity and the use of testimony, which are the testimonials? They are written by our customers or people who know the history of the company and will use this commentary to the picture of what actually is the company. To summarize the work must be based on written comments, get links with positive words on our website, writing on blogs, directories, bulletin boards, sites, articles and any other means which put a profile of the company always pointing towards our site web page will include in our reviews and testimonials by people who know the history and seriousness of it and finally I can only say that hard work is not seeing the fruits from day to day but may improve over time the corporate image that we are interested in the market..
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