Problem is not just that most people do this so bad, but when this question is answered either directly or through a guide, they give wrong answers, too. After all, on your site you can not sell anything with no impact.
The problem is not just that most people do this so bad, but when this question is answered either directly or through a directory, also gave incorrect answers, which, if you asked the question before, will be to buy some type of service or advertising that will solve all your problems of traffic. Although this seems the right way to start, really goes totally against obtain good result set.
One thing that I want to get first is that your initial goal should not get impacts on your site, and get a massive amount of them should not be your priority. What we need is to attract ten or twenty thousand impacts in all, always, to your sites to make them successful. It is clear that this amount will be increased in accordance progress in building your resources, and this is the key here.
The construction that you can use over and over again is the big 5: affiliates, your list, clients, customers of long-term and strategic alliances. The problem when you decide to buy advertising on search engines, newsletters, or any other, is that if you’re not prepared to start with your 5 resources, you will have to begin again and again with your promotion from scratch each time it sets another new product . This is exactly the reason why, no matter how many impacts obtain some marketers on their sites, will never earn more than a couple of thousand dollars a month.
The second problem arises when you assume, or you have said, you need to get hundreds of thousands of impacts to your site is successful. This is definitely not true. The numbers do not mean quality. It is not important what you say, and this is a fact. Comparing a strategic alliance with a list of 10 thousand suscritptores with the payment of an announcement of an electronic newsletter with 100mil suscritpores, I can assure you from the outset that, you get more clicks through the strategic alliance, but not only that, you get also by a much higher percentage of sales through a strategic alliance of quality.
So, how do you get more impact for your Web site? Well, first of all the question does not make sense because they rarely get more means better results. Looking for quality and the answer is a strategic alliance, to build these resources, and others promote your products by fairly high commissions to attract more of them. If you’re just reaching impacts few thousand a month for these strategic alliances, that is not a problem, you’re getting quality impacts and that surely will buy your product. Forget the impacts secured, forget the ads in newsletters to directly promote your site and forget positioning in search engines. These will provide you with more in terms of numbers. In that situation always think of quality rather than quantity.
This is the most complicated and requires more time. After this, it is cheap, fast and easy reuses the resources you’ve built to produce a stream of visits and sales that never stops.
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