Although Google looks at over 100 different criteria (which can change in importance
over time) for ranking sites, here are the five aspects or elements that are currently
deemed a “must-do” if you are serious about a top ranking. There are others
elements that will be discussed later on that are also important. The following are
listed in approximate order of importance, with the first item being much more
important than the others:
1. Keywords used in the title of your pages (between the
2. Keywords used in headings (H1) and in the first paragraph of your pages.
3. Keywords used in link text, both on your site AND on other websites.
4. The PageRank (PR) value of your pages, which in turn is dependent on the
number of links that point to your site from other sites.
5. Pages that contain at least 250 words of relevant text content (and the more
pages the better).
Put even more simply, to rank high on Google, you need to optimize your website for
your best keywords, get as many important and relevant sites to link to your site as
you can, and make sure the text of those links contain your best keywords.
So let’s continue by looking at the foundation for a successful web site in the next
chapter – keyword research, analysis, and selection.
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