Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Stay Away From Frames and Flash

Stay Away From Frames and Flash

No successful, popular website uses frames and neither should you. Yes, they
provide some degree of navigational ease and yes there are workarounds but search
engines simply cannot properly crawl or index framed sites. In addition, visitors can’t
bookmark any interior page of your site. There are some that still beat this dead
horse but framed sites simply have too many negatives to contend with. Don’t do it.

Same goes for sites whose entire home page is a Flash movie. How many times
have YOU actually watched a Flash movie when arriving on a home page? I’ll bet if
you are like most, you’ve clicked “Skip Intro” as quickly as possible. We are all busy
and to wait for a gratuitous Flash movie to download is downright annoying. The only
people who care about your Flash movie is the Flash developer that you paid and
the corporate ego who enjoys watching it for the coolness factor.

If you must use Flash, confine it to a small location in your logo or elsewhere on your
page or provide a link to it. Flash movies that take up the entire web page do have
their uses but the home page is not one of them.